
Financial Technology

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Enterprise Financial Technology

At State Street, Rick helped teams transition from legacy systems to modern, virtual machine-based platforms. Rick mentored teams in application development using React, Java, Spring, Oracle & Microsoft databases, and State Street's Private Cloud.

As team lead, Rick designed messaging and web microservices which automated payment accounting and processing. UI frameworks like D3.js were used to visualize complex fund allocations.

Rick contributed to numerous teams supporting services including client & investor portals, fund accounting systems, interactive dashboards, detailed financial reports, performance metrics, and automated document generation.

Most recently, Rick was the agile product owner for State Street's market data platform. The platform provided Bloomberg market data to the enterprise and utilized a multi-terabyte Presto database hosted on Amazon S3 Object Stores. Rick was tasked with onboarding 60+ global business teams in addition to managing an offshore team of developers, quality assurance (QA), and business analysts.

MyStateStreet.com Data APIs
Cloud Microservices
Dashboards, Reporting and Analysis
Private Equity Data Warehouse
Serverless Cloud Microservices

Serverless Cloud Applications

We work with most major cloud providers including Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Cloud providers offer services such as computing, data storage, analytics, security, CDN's, machine learning, and AI.

Word Guess was created to explore new topics in cloud architecture. The application consists of a React web client, an Express/Node.js server, and a MongoDB database. The client and server Docker containers are deployed to GCP Cloud Run servers. The MongoDB Atlas database cluster is hosted on GCP cloud servers.

A GitHub repository is available which documents the design process and contains the source code and assets.

A live version of Word Guess is available to play. The application containers are hosted on Google's Cloud Run service.

Get it on Google Play
React UI Front End
Express / Node.js Server APIs
MongoDb Database
Docker Containers
Debit Cards graphic
Debit Card Processing

Online Debit Card Applications

We partnered with various debit card processors to build several affiliate web applications. The applications enabled customers to access their financial account information, balances, money transfers, and card activity online.

We also handled back-office accounting, reporting, and customer service.

Online Financial Web Apps
Security & Privacy
Web Hosting & Database Design
Customer Service